Reclaimers of Princess PlaceĀ
Informal recyclers who work in streets and landfills are responsible for collecting over 90% of all materials that are recycled in South Africa.
African Reclaimers Organisation (ARO) is a Not for Profit, member-directed organisation, representing informal recyclers and was formed after reclaimers demanded to be included in the waste management system. the ungovernable, ARO, Princess place and its reclaimers are working together to streamline the collection process for the betterment of the environment, the economy, the Princess Place Community and the community of reclaimers who do this important work.
Anyone interested in getting involved can get in contact: pelonomi[at]
Do you know what reclaimers do?
ungovernable worked with the African Reclaimers Organisation to develop educational videos to guide neighbourhoods on how to work with reclaimers and the importance of their work.
Get the children involved!
These videos can be shared with others to better understand how we can create an ecosystem of support for the environment, for the circular economy and for the lives of those with whom we live side by side.
the above videos were developed by some of the ungovernable team together with the African Reclaimers Organisation and are free resources to use for communities in Johannesburg.

ARO's Mission
ARO wants South Africa to increase its recycling rates and for informal recyclers to be paid for the free labour they provide, which is the foundation of the Recycling economy worth hundreds of million of rands. We collect, sort, transport and sell materials, saving the state and private industry millions and extending the life of landfills. We perform a vital enviromental service, removing thousands of tons of discarded materials every year. Amongst us are university drop-outs, former teachers, ex-mine workers, ex-offenders looking to make an honest living, young people, older people and the precariously employed